Defining the Problem

Small business owners to people, like you and me, ship packages regularly. We invest the time, money and emotion and take all the steps necessary to ensure our packages reach their final destination safely and on time. But our packages’ journey is not solely up to us. We entrust shipment providers to uphold their end of responsibility to complete that journey. FedEx came to us with the acknowledgment that their current drop-off and pick-up options were not optimized for an effortless, intuitive and worry-free experience. How could my team help define an ideal hand-over experience and create immediate actionable opportunities to win in this space?

Finding the Design Solution

Although we had a hunch that biggest opportunity lay in redesigning the digital user experience on the shipment section of the website, we knew that there were painpoints in-store, at drop boxes and room for very far-out innovative ideas. I was tasked to collaborate on and create digital and print prototypes of numerous early solutions. These were then tested with consumers in workshops and redesigned based on valuable feedback. I then facilitated and ran experiments with consumers in market and in-situ which lead to a final round of refinement of the top performing ideas. These became high fidelity print deliverables and digitally interactive prototypes.

Our recommended digital experience is a brand new navigation tool that helps the consumer seamlessly make the best decision for their shipment. Within this tool are 3 completely brand new services designed to help with pick-up or drop off options while giving the consumer the power to manage the journey in real time for the first time ever.

These first solutions were low fidelity yet deeply grounded in insight work and were presented to consumers in a co-creation session for further feedback and builds. Some co-creation sessions were hack-athons where I built rough concepts in real time and then were represented for further refinement.

The next round consisted of running experiments where I brought the design prototypes in market and was tasked to present them to consumers in-situ (drop box location, retail store or at their business) for further refinement. 
